An “invisibility cloak” prototype material by Hyperstealth Biotechnology

The Kid Should See This

If you’ve ever wanted Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak, stay tuned: Canadian camouflage company Hyperstealth Biotechnology has applied for four patents related to their Quantum Stealth or “invisibility cloak” prototype material. This video from The Telegraph demonstrates the innovative technology in a variety of viewing conditions. From their press release:

True invisibility was thought to be impossible by most physicists. Not only does the material hide a target in the visible spectrum but [President/CEO and inventor Guy Cramer] demonstrates that it also bends in the Ultraviolet, Infrared and Shortwave Infrared while it blocks the Thermal Spectrum, making it a true “Broadband Invisibility Cloak”.


There is no power source. It is paper-thin and inexpensive. It can hide a person, a vehicle, a ship, spacecraft and buildings. The patent discusses 13 versions of the material and the patent allows for many more configurations. One piece of Quantum Stealth can work in any environment, in any season at any time of the day or night, something no other camouflage is capable of.

This nine-minute promotional video, only available to watch directly on YouTube or Vimeo demonstrates the material under a variety of conditions. The color testing at 2m20s is particularly impressive:

An underreported item of this story: One of the patents for the material posits that it can “triple the output of an equal thin film control panel and almost triple that of a monocrystalline panel,” reportedly “setting power output records for all three major types of solar panels.”

Related products: To create the illusion of invisibility on camera, there’s now an official Warner Bros. Green Screen-ready Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak.

Related watching on this site:

The ‘magic’ of invisibility lenses


A Basic Demonstration of Optical Cloaking

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