Published by Neal Porter Books
Summary: A bird with a seed in its beak is on the title page, apparently the source for the seed that falls on page 1. That seed settles into the soil, and sun and rain help it turn into a sprout, growing to at last become a sunflower (big enough to need a foldout page). The flower is filled with seeds, which birds feed on when the plant droops to the ground. When one bird drops the seed from the top of a tree, the cycle begins again. Includes two pages of additional information and a list of resources. 40 pages; ages 3-7.
Pros: I am already excited to read this book to preschoolers when they start learning about seeds next spring. I like how key words like seed, sprout, and bud are written in a large colorful font to emphasize them, and kids always enjoy a foldout page. Another great early science resource from Antoinette Portis to go with her award-winning Hey, Water!
Cons: Those foldout pages get torn a lot in library books.
July 9, 2022 at 05:05PM Janet Dawson