Atomic Habits: Cool Mom Picks Book Club Selection #9

Atomic Habits: Cool Mom Picks Book Club Selection #9

Cool Mom Picks

I’m super excited to share the next Cool Mom Picks Virtual Book Club selection that many awesome people in my life have raved about. And sure, it’s not technically a parenting book, but who cares? If we’re making positive changes in our lives (and learning how to teach our kids to make them too), it affects our parenting.

So, I’ve chosen Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones, by James Clear. I’m not sure about you, but as I’ve gotten older, I’m finding starting new habits and breaking old ones to be incredibly difficult, so I’m hoping this helps all of us get on track with whatever it is we’re trying to finally begin (and end).

And well, with back to school here, I think it’s a perfect time. It always feels like the new year for me, and well, I could use some motivation after a wonderful, very relaxing summer. Plus, I’m hoping I can teach my kids how to start great habits early so they’re not reading a book like this when they’re 43.

Join us October 1, 2019 at 9pm ET for our  live book club chat about Atomic Habits. Details and discussion guide below!

While you’re grabbing the book, maybe pick up a fresh bottle of wine to enjoy during our chat?

We’re so happy to bring the Cool Mom Picks Book Club to you with the support of our fantastic sponsor, The Wines of Vinho Verde. Could there be a more perfect match? These versatile reds, whites, and rosés from Portugal go with whatever you’re eating, and whatever you’re reading. (Though we’ve got some pairing ideas below for you, should you be book-clubbing with friends at home.)

Then you’ll have everything you need to join me on October 1.

Reminder: This is a low-pressure book club! Even if you don’t finish the book, get through only a few chapters — or are just interested in the topic of starting new habits and breaking old ones (and the science behind it all) and haven’t read the book at all, you can still join us. We’re busy too, we get it.

To join our video chat about Atomic Habits, you can check “going” or “interested” on this Facebook event invitation to get a reminder. (It’s easy!) just visit this link.

Vinho Verde Quinta Da Aveleda : Wine Pairing Ideas

A wine that blends two of my favorites together in one? Perfection! Hailing from Portugal’s Vinho Verde region, the Quinta Da Aveleda blends a Loureiro and an Alvarinho resulting in a crisp and refreshing wine that you can drink on its own, or paired beautifully with a variety of foods. It’s light and refreshing, even as we start to get into the cooler fall months. (And as someone who only drinks white wine, I think it’s perfect all year round, thank you very much).

While we know that many wines pair perfectly fine with many foods, wine is often best matched with foods from its own region — in this case, the Minho Valley in the Vinho Verde region of northern Portugal. While it’s perfectly lovely on its own as an aperitif, if you’re serving some book club munchies, our sommelier friends suggest pairing with:

-Cheese: Try cheeses that are light and creamy, like goat cheeses, burrata or even a brie
-Veggies: However you enjoy them – from veggie platters to salads, even roasted in olive oil.
-Seafood: A fresh, homemade ceviche pairs perfectly, or even light seafood dishes like crab cakes, fish tacos, or shrimp. Or, Oysters, if you’re feeling fancy.
-Snacks: If you’re not fancy, that’s okay. Chips, pretzels, or good quality crackers (you know what we’re talking about) work too.


Discussion Guide Questions for Atomic Habits

The book is all about starting new habits and breaking old ones, so really, how much discussion are you going to need? Ha, I’m kidding. This Well, sort of. You’ll find that James Clear lays out different steps and approaches (all proven, by the way) to help you get started on your journey. If you want to get a head start (which of course you do), here are 5 things to think about before you begin:

1. What good habits do you want to start?
2. What bad habits are you trying to break?
3. What do you think has gotten in the way of starting good habits?
4. What has gotten in the way of breaking bad habits?
5. Think about the good and bad habits you have right now and track how they became habits in the first place.

Check out our Facebook Live Book Club discussion about Atomic Habits by James Clear.
We’d love to hear your questions and your own advice!

And of course, make sure you’re following Cool Mom Picks on Facebook!

Thanks so much to our wonderful book club sponsor, the Wines of Vinho Verde, for their support!

Looking for our past book club selections? Just click the link!

Cool Mom Staff