In my latest picture book Get Ready, Mama! I tackle the topic of mornings head on. By providing a step-by-step guide for getting your parent ready for the day. Yep, you heard right. Parent not child.
Get Ready, Mama! is a role reversal story about getting a mama ready. Inspired by true life events that frequently happen in my own home.
Most mornings for the last fifteen years I have had to get my daughter, a reluctant riser, out of bed and ready for the day.
I’m sure I’m not alone in my daily struggle. For many family’s mornings can be a stressful time.
As parents we want our mornings to be positive, relaxing and predictable. But more often than not the words that we associate with the morning routine are…
‘Quick we’re going to be late!’
‘Turn it off!’
‘Oh dear!’
So, whether you have an early bird, a night owl or an afternoon pigeon in your family, I want to help. I even devised a handy dandy Get Ready, Mama morning chart to help your family get ready for the day!
Sharon Giltrow grew up in South Australia, the youngest of eight children, surrounded by pet sheep and fields of barley. She now lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband, two children and a tiny dog. Sharon has taught for all of her career. Previously a teacher of children who are hearing impaired and Deaf-Blind, she now teaches young children with Developmental Language Disorder. Sharon’s latest humorous picture book Get Ready, Mama! releases in April 2022 through EK Books. Her debut picture book, Bedtime Daddy! released May 2020.
Connect with Sharon on Instagramand Twitter or discover more about her through our 12 Curly Questions Interview.
April 1, 2022 at 12:31AM DimbutNice