I Want a Nickname, by Tradara McLaurine | Dedicated Review

Book Review of I Want a Nickname
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The Children’s Book Review

I Want a Nickname by Tradara McLaurine: Book Cover

Written by Tradara McLaurine

Illustrated by Gaspar Sabater

Ages 4-7 | 32 Pages

Publisher: Bibliokid Publishing | ISBN-13: 9781955767132

What to Expect: Naming, inclusivity, identity, self-esteem, cultural pride

I Want a Nickname reminds readers that they do not need to change to accommodate the convenience of others—they can be proud to be who they are.

Shadaia has the best name in the whole world—it’s unique and beautiful and her parents picked it out just for her when she was born. The trouble is no one seems to be able to pronounce it correctly! The teacher says “sha-dee-ah,” the umpire tries “shaw-day-uh,” and the coach—who has known her for months—still says “sha-dee-uh”! It’s starting to feel like such hard work being Shadaia that she wonders if she should be someone else instead—perhaps she needs a nickname? She tries a few, but nothing seems to fit. Then, her baby brother gives her the answer—she doesn’t need a nickname! If a baby can say her name, then so can everyone else!

I Want a Nickname is the book that every child with a unique or non-Western name has been waiting for through all those annoying roll-call mistakes and patient conversations about spelling. While it can be hard work to correct people when they are lazy or ignorant about the many wonderful linguistic possibilities, celebrating one’s unique name is a celebration of self, identity, and culture. Excellent comic-style illustrations bring Shadaia’s thoughts and feelings to life on the page.

Overall, I Want a Nickname is empowering, affirmative, and a fantastic lesson in inclusivity and self-worth.

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Tradara McLaurine: Author Headshot

Author Headshot

Tradara McLaurine is a child of God, a loving wife, and a mother. She enjoys writing stories that inspire others, crocheting, spending time with family, and listening to music. Tradara is also the author of Why Mommy Works and Why Daddy Works.

Visit her online at www.tradaramclaurine.com for autographed copies and author visits.

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June 18, 2022 at 01:57AM Dr. Jen Harrison