The Kid Should See This
What’s Cassie’s problem? It’s the compost. Even though it’s an amazing source of energy and nutrients, it can be stinky and gross as it’s being transported from the kitchen to the back yard bin.
Can a trebuchet catapult the compost into the bin? Or can the compost be shot out the window with an air cannon? Can a Rube Goldberg Machine help carry the compost bag so Cassie doesn’t have to?
Watch this episode of What’s Your Problem? The Compost Thrower. Inventors and contraptionists Joseph Herscher, Mikayla Stokes, and Brett Doar create and test different solutions before finally settling on a brand new compost contraption for Cassie’s house.
Fun fact: Bret Doar was a primary engineer on OK Go’s This Too Shall Pass Rube Goldberg Machine video. Watch that next.
Then watch more of Joseph’s Machines and more videos about composting on TKSST.
Rion Nakaya