Cool Mom Picks
I’ve seen so many clever Halloween costumes this year, it’s hard to keep up! There are always the year’s super popular costumes — the astronauts, the princesses, the superheroes and a lot of VSCO girls. (Including me, ha. Hey, it was what I could throw together 5 minutes before leaving the house!) But then, some go just a bit farther.
I’m particularly impressed by these handmade kids’ Halloween costumes that are not only creative, they didn’t come from a package. Or, at least not entirely.
But hey, all you parents who even got your kids into a costume this year, whatever it was? You did great! Bravo to all of us.
Take a look at just a few of many many creative kids’ costumes this year. Maybe they’ll inspire you for next year!
Top image: Beci Newton
Related: The coolest Halloween costumes from Garden Place, Brooklyn
Aziraphale and Crowley: @becinewton
As a huge Good Omens fan, I’m 100{95a2b84223771f6dc99687581f8d75dfbd5fdd45bc711e1847180ef96d7d2d0f} blown away by this brother-sister costume. They completely embody the unlikely duo who, alone, can stop doomsday. Bravo! PS check out Beci’s twitter feed to see the kids in action.
Baby “Up” Old Man: @cody_watts
Dying. How fabulous is this kid? The only downside: When this is your first Halloween costume, you have a very high bar going forward!
Tuskegee Airman:@travelingwith_thetaylors
I am such a fan of parents who manage to transform their strollers and carriages on Halloween, so huge props to TeAndra Taylor and her historic little flyer.
5 Mad Hatters: @L5_Hats
There are lots of Alice in Wonderland costumes each year, but this may be my favorite of all time. Of course it does help when your dad is Kenroy Lumsden, who runs a gorgeous bespoke hat business
Wednesday Addams: @MommyShorts
Ilana Wiles’ always goes all out with her kids for Halloween, but I have a personal affinity for Harlowe’s costume. Nailed it!
Buzzfeed Icons: @mamaspohr
With two parents who are great bloggers and writers, no surprise that their costumes are so creative. Heather and Mike’s kids wore the perfect costumes for a party at the Buzzfeed office. LOL. WIN.
Baby Thor and Valkyrie: @cutebabewithababy
Taylor is another mom who goes all out on Halloween, but my favorite is how perfectly she rocked this mama-baby costume — entirely made with items found at Goodwill. Brilliant.
Related: What to do with leftover Halloween candy: 10 creative ideas besides you know, just eating it.
Samurai and Norman Knight: @hollerandsquall
I have a thing for historical costumes and these, from a Brooklyn family, are pure magic. Not all superheroes wear capes — some wear chain mail.
Exotic Bird and Birdwatcher: @coolmompicks
I love family costumes (as you can tell), and a totally unbiased favorite this year: Kristen’s youngest daughter with her stepdad, Ben. Extra candy for all!
Forrest Gump x 3: @lauraiz
Laura Izumikawa has another family who goes all out. I love how her husband and two kids each dressed as a different Forest Gump to her Jenny. Super clever.
18th Century Ghost: @lola.made
This is one serious costume! Read the post about how her daughter read through a history. of fashion book to decide on just who to be, and the details that brought it together. Far cry from a sheet over the head with two eye-holes cut out.
Lydia Deetz: @coolmompicks
So, yes it’s my own kid! But I’d be remiss if I didn’t include her brilliant Beetlejuice Broadway inspired costume, because she made the entire thing herself. Go teens!
Suzie from Stranger Things 3: @coolmompicks
Can I share one kid’s Halloween costume without the other? Of course not! My younger daughter was intent on being Suzie, Dustin’s Utah girlfriend in Stranger Things 3. Hm. I think in the end, she nailed it with the glasses, long ponytail, and modest 80s-era nightgown. Feel free to get Neverending Story stuck in your head.
Little Old Ladies: @Jazzy_Fresh22
Years ago, we shared this amazing DIY kids’ Halloween costume idea and it never stops being funny. And it’s twice as funny when it’s twins! Bravo to new mom Jasmin Sullivan for getting this one together. Hey, any new parent who gets anything together at all deserves all the full-size candy bars.
Liz Gumbinner