Tippy the Turtle, James V. DeLaura | Dedicated Review
Review of Tippy the Turtle
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The Children’s Book Review
Created by James V. DeLaura
Ages 4-6 | 28 Pages
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing Inc. | ISBN: 978-1-0980-4575-3
What to Expect: Family values, mealtimes, friends, moral education
Tippy the Turtle’s two best friends are the bunny sisters, Cookie and Cupcake. Like most bunnies, they are fast and have a lot of energy, and Tippy needs lots of energy to keep up with them. Together, Tippy, Cookie, and Cupcake run to and from school and play in the playground, and Tippy stays fueled up by eating well. However, one day, Tippy doesn’t feel like eating his lunch. He has no energy to keep up with his friends as they run home. Then, Tippy doesn’t feel like eating dinner or breakfast the next day! Will Tippy ever have enough energy to play with his friends again?
Tippy the Turtle is a fun and gentle story that addresses one of the biggest challenges parents and young children face: mealtimes. Every child goes through phases of not wanting to eat or being a fussy eater, and these episodes can cause a great deal of stress and unhappiness for parents and children alike.
Through simple storytelling, Tippy the Turtle teaches children the importance of eating regular meals. Tippy himself is an easy character to relate to, and the cartoon-style illustrations help bring him to life through funny facial expressions and bright colors.
This is a great read for any young reader who struggles at mealtime.
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About the Author
James V. DeLaura, a retired New York City Police Captain, never imagined during his twenty-one years in law enforcement and thirty years in corporate security that he would ever be writing and publishing children’s books. He was just an average dad who liked to make up stories to help educate his three children. Recently, he found himself telling those same stories to his grandchildren. Now finally retired and encouraged by his family, he decided to put pen to paper and give writing and publishing a try. Tippy the Turtle is his second published work. His first, The Land of Numbers, is a unique math teaching story for elementary school children that will greatly assist them in learning basic addition.
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May 2, 2021 at 11:05AM Dr. Jen Harrison