Published by HarperCollins

Summary: This book presents a straightforward look at what a pandemic is, with a brief history of past pandemics and an introduction to Covid 19. There’s a quick look back at the development of vaccines and antibiotics and precautions that were taken in our current pandemic before a vaccine was developed. The book ends on an optimistic note: “Everyone who wore a mask or washed their hands or stayed home until it was safe helped bring about the day when the pandemic was over at last.” Includes a glossary, hand washing instructions, and a timeline of past pandemics. 40 pages; ages 4-8.
Pros: The Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out series continues to do what it’s done well for the last 60 years: present science in a clear and understandable way to preschool and early elementary students. At least that’s their target audience: I feel like by now I should know the difference between an outbreak, an epidemic, and a pandemic, but I learned that from reading this book.
Cons: I wasn’t crazy about the small font.
March 4, 2022 at 04:50PM Janet Dawson