Apple of My Pie
by Mika Song
Review Copy from RHGraphics
While I missed Norma and Belly’s first adventure in Donut Feed the Squirrels, I am happy that they have embarked on another food-centered adventure in Apple of My Pie. The adventure begins when Gramps, with his hilariously oversized spectacles, needs a break from reading out loud to Little Bee. The pair head down from their tree and off to the farmer’s market where Gramps finds himself on a truck headed to an apple farm and pie making factory. Little Bee runs back home to rally Norma and Belly and make a rescue plan. As the trio sets their plan in action, Gramps is headed down a conveyor belt and into the pie factory with the rest of the apples – minus his glasses. Norma, Belly and Little Bee do their best, but it is Helen, a student visiting the orchard on a field trip, who spots Gramps and keeps him from being gobbled up in a pie eating contest before returning him, pie and all, to the Osage orange tree where they live in the park.
Song’s illustrations zip with energy and action – and squirrels – and they pop with color, especially the reds of the apples and the yellows of the school bus.
Book 1 in the Norma & Belly Series
June 25, 2021 at 01:05PM Tanya