Award-Winning Author Releases First Book in Children’s Series on Character, Do Your Best, Tess!

Sponsored Book Spotlight of Do Your Best, Tess! provided by Janet Morris Grimes
The Children’s Book Review

Do Your Best Tess

Written by Janet Morris Grimes

Illustrated by Jake Robbins

Ages 4+ | 50 Pages

Publisher: ‎ Elk Lake Publishing Inc | ISBN-13: ‎ 9781649496409

Louisville, KY, USA – July 26, 2022 –

Janet Morris Grimes, and finalist in the American Christian Writer Carol Awards for her debut novel,
Solomon’s Porch has released her first children’s book. Do Your Best, Tess; the first in the Character is a Choice! series is a read-aloud interactive book. The reader will encourage and cheer for Tess as she learns to truly do her best.

Do Your Best, Tess! Illustration

Tess is as scattered as the toys and clothes all over her floor. She flits from one activity to another and forms the habit of never finishing anything. But when her dream is on the line, Tess needs a little help from her friends to stay focused so she can learn to finish what she starts.

Do Your Best, Tess! Illustration

It’s a story written for children who get distracted easily. This series began decades ago when it was Grimes’ turn to write the lesson for children’s worship at church.

Do Your Best, Tess! Illustration

“I scribbled out an early version where the kids could help the main character make the right choices. It was a hit, and I’ve wanted to put these stories into book form ever since. It’s taken me a while, but like Tess, people of all ages need to learn to finish what we start.”

Grimes is thrilled with the result. “Seeing Tess come to life through pictures is an amazing process. She’s a fun little mess at times. I love that many kids can identify with such struggles. It feels pretty rotten when you don’t do your best. We all need a little accountability. Little girls or new authors, included.”

Do Your Best, Tess! is currently available at:

Read our exclusive interview: Janet Morris Grimes Discusses Do Your Best, Tess!

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August 17, 2022 at 03:54AM Guest Posts