Dragons Do NOT Go to School! | Book Review

Book Review of Dragons Do NOT Go to School
The Children’s Book Review

Dragons Do Not Go to School! Book Cover

Written by D. J. Panec

Illustrated by Andy Elkerton

Ages 5-6 | 43 Pages

Publisher: Treasure Bay Inc. | ISBN-13: 978-1601153623

What to Expect: School, learning, fantasy, overcoming fears

With a fantasy spin on a familiar and relatable experience for young readers, Dragons Do NOT Go to School helps young readers build their fluency skills while gently reassuring them that school is not so bad.

Rex can’t wait to be a big dragon and do big dragon things – like learning to fly and breathe fire! However, he’s really not sure he wants to go to school, even when his mother reminds him that school is where he will learn to be a big dragon. School is too full of new and scary things, like people who might not want to be friends and tease Rex about his pretend wings. Luckily for Rex, school is full of good things too, like recess, playing the thunder drum, and, best of all, a new friend. Maybe dragons do go to school…

The double-space spreads alternate between larger chunks of text and single-word punch lines, offering plenty of opportunities for supported reading and some gentle humor. An introduction for parents provides clear instruction for helping young readers use the story to develop reading skills, and bright digital illustrations provide visual cues to support decoding.

Overall, Dragons Do NOT Go to School is one early reading text that parents and children alike are sure to enjoy sharing.

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Dragons Do NOT Go to School by D. J. Panec was reviewed by Dr. Jen Harrison. Discover more books like Dragons Do NOT Go to School by following along with our reviews and articles tagged with school, learning to read, fantasy, and overcoming fears.

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July 27, 2022 at 10:52PM Bianca Schulze