Good Eating: The (Short) Life of Krill by Matt Lilley, illustrated by Dan Tavis

Published by Tilbury House Publishers

Summary:  A tiny egg sinks deep into the ocean.  As the days pass it changes shape, growing spines, eyes, and a mouth.  In four weeks, the organism travels almost two miles from the depths of the sea to the surface.  Finally, it is a full-grown krill, with 26 legs and spots that can light up.  There are millions and millions of other krill, and it’s a good thing because they provide food for all kinds of animals like seabirds, penguins, and the gigantic blue whale.  Includes additional facts about krill and a list of resources: books, websites, and a National Geographic game called Krill Smackdown.  36 pages; grades 1-4.

Pros:  It seems like it would take considerable creative energy to write an engaging story about an animal whose main purpose in life is to be eaten, and to illustrate it with a cute and endearing krill, but this team has pulled it off.  The additional material at the end makes it a good research resource and emphasizes the important role krill plays in food chains around the world.

Cons:  Kids may need to be persuaded that they really want to read a book about krill.

February 24, 2022 at 04:42PM Janet Dawson