How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodbye? | Book Review

Book Review of How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodbye?
The Children’s Book Review

How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodbye? Book Cover

Written by Jane Yolen

Illustrated by Mark Teague

Ages 3-5 | 40 Pages

Publisher: Scholastic Press | ISBN: 9781338363357

 What to expect: Dinosaurs, Feelings, Saying Goodbye, Famous Friends

Little dinosaurs have a lot of feelings—especially when it comes time to say goodbye! Whether for a few hours, a day, or forever, saying goodbye is super hard! With the “How Do Dinosaurs” series’ usual aplomb, HOW DO DINOSAURS SAY GOODBYE is a hilarious and sweet romp through some of life’s most challenging moments.

The first days of school are always hard. Young dinosaur Nebulasaurus hides in his room with a tummy ache, sad that he might miss his mom while at school. Adynomosaurus angrily scrawls “DON’T GO” on the wall when his parents attempt to leave on a date. And poor Moabosaurus runs crying down the street when the family’s moving truck arrives at their house. So many big feelings!

But those big feelings are tamed just like the dinosaurs, who learn to face their “worst fears.” They talk about their feelings with their parents to get reassurance, give and receive hugs, and make loving notes to remind one another of their love while they are apart. In the end, the dinosaurs learn that they are strong enough to say goodbye.

Often hilarious and surprisingly poignant, HOW DO DINOSAURS SAY GOODBYE is a perfect book for all children. We all have to say goodbye at some point in our lives. Leaving for the day can feel just as hard as leaving forever. And the dinosaur’s honest reactions to their parents’ very real situations, such as one mom leaving with a suitcase, or the moving truck at a little dino’s house, are perfect for sharing with children. Through the dinosaurs’ eyes, readers will see that they aren’t alone in their big feelings.

Fantastic duo Jane Yolen and Mark Teague have done it again, creating a heartfelt and wonderfully fun read with HOW DO DINOSAURS SAY GOODBYE! Highly recommended.

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Jane Yolen sitting at a table

About the Author

Jane Yolen is the beloved author of more than 365 books for children and adults, including award-winning picture books, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. In addition to two Nebula Awards and a National Book Award nomination, she has received a Golden Kite from SCBWI, three Mythopoeic Fantasy Awards, and the California Young Reader Medal. Yolen’s How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? was an ALA Notable Book and a Christopher Medal winner. The book has gone on to become a widely popular bestselling series with over 15 million copies in print. She lives in Western Massachusetts.

About the Illustrator

Mark Teague is the internationally bestselling illustrator (and author) of more than 50 books for children. His numerous awards and honors include the Book Sense Book of the Year Award and the Christopher Medal. He has illustrated 12 full-size books and 11 board books in the widely successful How Do Dinosaurs…? series. He is the author of the popular Dear Mrs. LaRue, Firehouse!, and Jack and the Beanstalk and the French Fries. He lives in New York State.

How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodbye? was reviewed by Denise Mealy. Discover more books like How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodbye? by following our reviews and articles tagged with Dinosaurs, Emotions & Behavior, Jane Yolen, Loss, Mark Teague, and Picture Book.

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May 17, 2022 at 09:45PM Denise Mealy