Cool Mom Picks

On this week’s Spawned parenting podcast, we are tackling a VERY SERIOUS SUBJECT. So profoundly serious, it could literally save lives. And it will. Because sure, you’ve covered your light sockets and put the Tide Pods on a high shelf, but do you know every danger out there, just ready to befall our children?
We’re talking unprincipled leprechauns, flying tigers, accidental time travel, furniture that comes to life just like in Beauty & The Beast…I mean, does it ever end when you’re a parent?
Fortunately, we’re joined by our first three-time guest (whoo!), James Breakwell, AKA Exploding Unicorn and author of the brand new book How to Save Your Child from Ostrich Attacks, Accidental Time Travel, and Anything Else that Might Happen on an Average Tuesday.
He may sound like a hilarious guy, and he may be called a parenting humorist, and we may even laugh through most of this podcast episode, but mark our words — this is important stuff.
Take a listen right now here, or on your favorite podcast app, as if your life depends on it.
Check our other interviews with James about his first books, which will help you survive the zombie apocalypse, and teach you the joys of bare minimum parenting.
And for more info, you can follow him on Twitter @xplodingUnicorn with a million other people (literally) and on Instagram @james_breakwell. Also, visit his site where you can read his popular parenting webcomics and even download the first 80 pages of his book, free. Then, buy the entire thing at our affiliate Amazon or your local independent bookstore.
We’re just looking out for you.
Some of the topics we cover in Episode 184
– The most harmful supernatural beings to look out for, and why the boogeyman isn’t one of them. (Is he even real? I mean, come on.)
– How to turn a vampire encounter with your child into a teaching moment
– Why you already have the skills as a parent that you need to handle your child waking up in a video game world.
– Godzilla attack: Imminent?
– The alarming trickery of leprechauns and the unintended consequences of wishes.
– Why parents are afraid to attack such tough issues in public or on social media these days.
Take a listen to the Spawned Parenting Podcast on Apple Podcasts or your own favorite podcasting app.
And be sure to subscribe to our feed and download the episode so you can catch us even when you’re offline.
Our Cool Picks of the Week
Disney PlusJames: He’s in love with The Mandalorian (get yourself that free Disney + trial if you haven’t seen it yet) and all the Baby Yoda memes that have flooded the internet.
Kristen: Meet/Cute is a scripted, sitcom podcast about…two podcast hosts. The tagline: “Love is Bullsh*t.” She highly recommends it.
Liz: Speaking of facts and science, please check out the Union of Concerned Scientists, a proactive group doing impactful work to battle misinformation, fake news, and science denial that leads to climate disaster and other world problems. They’re even one of the orgs we recommended supporting in our post about helping the victims of the Australian wildfires.
Top image: Dark Shadows via Wikimedia Commons
Cool Mom Staff