Letter Sounds Abound, by Catherine S. Young | Dedicated Review

Book Review of Letter Sounds Abound
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The Children’s Book Review

Letter Sounds Abound: Book Cover

Written by Catherine S. Young

Illustrated by Victoria Gesner

Ages 3-6 | 48 Pages

Publisher: Practice Readers Books | ISBN-13: 9781778066702

What to Expect: Language skills, phonics, alphabet, coloring

Letter Sounds Abound is not just about letters—it’s about sounds, patterns, words, and language. From how letters work together to form words to how and when the sounds and shapes of letters change or stay the same, this alphabet book teaches essential reading skills and language knowledge. Readers will learn how the letters are arranged on the page, how they combine to form new sounds, and even the difference between vowels and consonants.

There are a lot of alphabet books out there, but very few of them combine letter recognition and practice with other basic skills and knowledge, such as tracking words on the page or recognizing the difference between capital and lowercase letters. By combining reading knowledge with writing skills, this clever book helps readers make some of the cognitive connections that support the development of reading fluency. The clean and sharp line drawings help hone fine motor skills by encouraging children to color the letters and images. The simple rhyming text supports the recognition of phonics in action. Each sound is illustrated by text and image examples that are full of life and humor, and will help readers to remember them.

At home or in school, Letter Sounds Abound is a fantastic resource to support early-stage reading and writing.

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C.S. Young: Author Headshot
About the Author

Catherine S. Young has spent her career putting research insights into practice across the spheres of education, public health, and electronics. The proud mother of three delightful developing readers, she founded Practice Readers Books to provide evidence-aligned books to support the unique needs of fledgling readers (and their parents) at school and at home.

For more information, visit https://practicereaders.ca/collections/alphabet-books.

Victoria Gesner: Illustrator Headshot
About the Author

Victoria Gesner (Pelletier) is an artist and educator based in Fredericton, New Brunswick. She believes in making literacy and art affordable and accessible to all.

You can find some of her other artwork at Femme des Fleurs Art at https://www.facebook.com/femmedesfleurs.art/.

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May 18, 2022 at 04:40AM Dr. Jen Harrison