[Poetry Friday] “Leave the dishes… Pursue the authentic.”

Myra here.

Thank you to Laura Shovan for hosting this week.

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When The Light Of The World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through

Edited by Joy Harjo with Leanne Howe, Jennifer Elise Foerster, and Contributing Editors (Amazon | Book Depository)

I have been dipping in and out of this collection ever since I bought it last Christmas. Given our #SurvivalStories2021 annual reading theme, this tome of a book is the perfect source for thought-provoking poems.

This poem by Louise Erdrich, in particular, caught my eye. While I own much of her middle grade novels, The Birchbark House series in particular (which I confess to not having read yet – but you can get the first book in the series here from Amazon | Book Depository), and I also own some of her adult novels, I did not know that she was also a poet. So this was a revelation to me.

As I read Advice To MyselfI see traces of myself in the words – probably because I hardly do any housework, nor do I ever do the dishes – but the pursuit of that which is true, real, genuine – that I do. That I spend my entire life doing.

AdviceToMyself copy

July 2, 2021 at 06:30AM Myra Garces-Bacsal