Powwow Day by Traci Sorell and Madelyn Goodnight is the uplifting story of a girl renewing her faith in life and future possibilities.
River wakes up excited to go to the powwow until she remembers that today’s celebration won’t be the same as the others she’s attended: she’s not well enough to dance and her favorite part of the powwow is the dancing. But River is recovering from an illness, and she’s loathe to attend because she knows she’ll have to sit on the sidelines of all the fun. After her immediate family encourages her to go, River’s learns that communal celebration is actually exactly what she needs to heal her soul and renew her outlook.
The digital media illustrations are colorful and full of life and energy. With the dancers covered in tiny bells, readers can practically hear the jingle dancers moving as they sweep across spreads. Goodnight adds a captivating level of depth to her spreads, with out-of-focus backgrounds that serve two purposes: encourage readers to stay as in the present as much as possible and to visually provide River’s point of view on the sidelines.
Powwow Day published from Charlesbridge Publishing last month!

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March 3, 2022 at 11:32AM noreply@blogger.com (Mel Schuit)