Lucy has grown up with Smudge her little pony always at hand. They have experienced many first things together and Lucy loves him very much.
Now Lucy is big. Her legs no longer need the help of a crate. But Smudge has remained small.
She longs to be able again, to ride free across the paddocks and through the streams as she had when she was younger.
Copper comes into their life. Neglected and longing for love and attention, he is ignored by Lucy and cared for by dad.
His hands tenderly brush the knots from Copper’s mane as he whispers words of comfort with each stroke.
Growing up means letting go; leaving certain things behind. It is a hard lesson for Lucy to learn, but dad is patient.
Seeing Smudge and Copper running side by side, attracts Lucy’s attention. Is there a way to share and enjoy the outdoors with Smudge once again?
Mandy Foot’s delightful illustrations bring her story to life. Things unsaid with words find their voice in the illustrations.
Her palette preference adds a soft and tender aura to each image intimating her characters are shy, uncertain, questioning.
Her double spreads of the fences and paddocks in the morning absorbing the light from the surroundings, are like photographs in cinemascope.
It is evident through the visuals, that Mandy Foot sees animals with different eyes than others would or do. Her portrayal of the horses and the people that love them, speak of her love for all creatures.
Title: Lucy and Copper
Author/Illustrator:Mandy Foot
Publisher: Hachette, $16.99
Publication Date: 30 June 2021
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780734420282
For ages: 5+
Type: Picture Book
June 30, 2021 at 12:36AM Anastasia Gonis