Book Review of Crows: Genius Birds
The Children’s Book Review
Written and Illustrated by Kyla Vanderklugt
Ages 8-12 | 128 Pages
Publisher: First Second Books | ISBN: 9781626728028
What to Expect: Nature, human-animal relationships, animal behavior
Every good comic book needs heroes and villains, and it just so happens that crows are perfect for both roles! Funny, smart, devious, and determined, these genius birds are experts at using their brains to get what they want. As the crow protagonist in this comic book enlists the help of the neighborhood dog to pull off a daring trash-can robbery, we learn how crows make tools, form complex social bonds, and exploit problem-solving opportunities to survive and thrive in even the toughest conditions. Meanwhile, with the dog’s help, they enjoy a delicious feast of dog food, garbage, and carrion.
Part of the Science Comics series, Crows: Genius Birds is a fun, full-color exploration of a crow’s world, from eating roadkill to patrolling territory. Readers learn the facts behind fascinating crow behaviors, from gathering around a dead comrade to mimicking the sounds and voices they hear. The interaction between the gormless, trusting canine and the crafty crow adds humor to the instruction, and readers will love watching the crow’s sneaky plans unfold in the background. Overall, this comic offers a fun and engaging introduction to animal behavior and corvid characteristics in an easy-to-digest format that any reader is sure to enjoy.
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About the Creator
Kyla Vanderklugt was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, where she graduated from OCAD University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Design. She currently freelances out of her studio in rural Ontario. Her comics work includes contributions to the Flight and Nobrow anthologies, Spera, Jim Henson’s Storyteller and Labyrinth properties, and various self-published shorts.
Science Comics: Crows: Genius Birds, written and illustrated by Kyla Vanderklugt, was reviewed by Dr. Jen Harrison. Discover more books like Crows: Genius Birds by following our reviews and articles tagged with Animals, Graphic Novels, Nature, and Science.
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January 25, 2022 at 10:05PM Dr. Jen Harrison