Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles | Dedicated Review

Book Review of Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles
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The Children’s Book Review

Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles

Written by Steven Joseph

Illustrated by Andy Case

Ages 5-10 | 38 Pages

Publisher: Mascot Kids | ISBN-13: 9781637550847

What to Expect: Silliness, dealing with crankiness, rhyming.

Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles is a book devoted to silliness.  Set in the future where cars run on sauerkraut, people’s crankiness abounds, one inventor arises to create happiness.  Herbie Snoodleman invents the SnoodleMobile, a vehicle powered by noodles that produces a delicious aroma and fills everyone with joy, well, almost everyone.  Sour Croodleman, the inventor of the much-lamented KrautMobile, decides to take revenge and an entertaining adventure ensues.

In this charming story, Steven Joseph uses humor to remind us what can happen when too much crankiness is in the world.  Using sauerkraut as a metaphor for irritability makes it easy for young readers to understand why no one liked Sour Croodleman.  Beyond metaphors, Joseph uses fun “oodle” words to make his story flow.  Sentences such as, “A year later, Noodle McDoodle completed his next great work of art, and it was displayed alongside the Kidnoodle Lisa.  His new masterpiece was titled KIDOODLE NOODLE POODLE.” Try reading that out loud with a straight face!

Beyond the fun of this book as a read-aloud are the illustrations by Andy Case.  Entertaining pictures set in a comic book layout, at times using multiple panels per page, illustrate the flow of the story.  Beyond the comic style of illustrations are little gems hidden in the pictures if one looks close enough.  One example of this would be the covers of the newspapers featuring our hero Mr. Snoodleman which each feature a type of pasta (Penne Gazette, Capellini Press, Linguini Times, etc.).

Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles makes a fantastic read-aloud anytime you need a chuckle.  While the words and sounds of the story may best suit a younger audience, older readers will enjoy it as well.  Taking time to examine the illustrations will yield a richer understanding of the story and provide some additional levity.

Reading Snoodles, Kidoodles, Poodles and Lots and Lots of Noodles is sure to abolish anyone’s crankiness!

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Steve Joseph snoodle Picture.png

About the Author

Steven Joseph is an attorney, professional negotiator, marathon runner, comedian and zen student. He lives in Hoboken, New York, and is a proud father of a grown up daughter Vita. He is also the son of a Holocaust Survivor, and his writings lean on the concept of survival, which was ever present growing up as a child, and acknowledgment which he has learned through his zen practice. His book websites that continually explores themes of crankiness are He is the author of Award Winning books “The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris,” and “A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness: The CrankaTsuris Method.”

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March 16, 2022 at 05:20AM TCBR Contributor