Strollercoaster by Matt Ringler, Raúl the Third, and Elaine Bay is the ride of a lifetime!
When Sam shows signs of an impending temper tantrum, Dad decides that it’s time for Sam to take a ride on the strollercoaster! Sam gets into the stroller and together they zoom around the neighborhood, transforming everything they see into an imaginative adventure. They see basketball players, sweet shops, the park, and they even go through a dark tunnel, and by the time Dad and Sam are done with their creative journey and back home, Sam’s temper tantrum is a thing of the past.
There is an obvious comic slant to this picture book, with paneled illustrations, large hand-drawn onomatopoeias across swathes of art, and speech bubbles that guide the reader through the book. Raúl the Third hand-wrote much of the text, putting an energetic spin on bold lettering, and between the motion lines (lines and squiggles that convey movement) and the general hustle and bustle of each scene, there isn’t a single part of any illustration that isn’t full of activity and joy. Bay’s colors heighten the intensity of each spread, ensuring that every inked detail is accounted for and has its own moment to shine.
Strollercoaster published last month from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. You can also read an interview I did a couple of years ago with Raúl the Third about his illustration process here!

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July 1, 2021 at 10:30AM noreply@blogger.com (Mel Schuit)