Book Review of The Inquire and Investigate Series
The Children’s Book Review
What to Expect: Geology, Meteorology, Climatology, Interactive Projects, Online Media.
Where does wind come from? Why do volcanos erupt? What are rocks made of? These questions and more are answered in the Inquire and Investigate series from Nomad Books. Rocks and Minerals, The Science of Natural Disasters, and The Science of Weather and Climate introduce readers to the wonders of geology, meteorology, climatology, and mineralogy. The series provides detailed scientific explanations, hands-on experiments and projects, historical case studies, and even etymological facts.
The strongest feature of this series is the wide variety of activities and resources included supporting active, independent inquiry in place of passive reading. Set up with a format reminiscent of a school textbook, each volume includes links to online and digital resources for further research, an extensive glossary, reading, video, and museum lists, and hands-on projects allowing readers to test and develop their understanding.
More engaging than a typical school textbook but with a multimedia format that makes them perfect for independent and home learning, the Inquire and Investigate books are fantastic just as fun reads, but would also make excellent homeschooling textbooks to support a science curriculum.
Written by Chris Eboch
Illustrated by Alexis Cornell
Ages 12-15 | 128 Pages
Publisher: Nomad Press | ISBN-13: 978-1619308510
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Written by Diane C. Taylor
Ages 12-15 | 128 Pages
Publisher: Nomad Press | ISBN-13: 978-1619308558
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Written by Juilee Danneberg
Illustrated by Michelle Simpson
Ages 12-15 | 128 Pages
Publisher: Nomad Press | ISBN-13: 978-1619308473
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The Inquire and Investigate Series was reviewed by Dr. Jen Harrison. Discover more books like The Inquire and Investigate Series by following our reviews and articles tagged with Education, Geology, Meteorology, Climatology, and Interactive.
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January 3, 2022 at 11:12PM Dr. Jen Harrison