The Mysterious Planet

The Mysterious Planet

The Kid Should See This

What is this mysterious planet and what can we learn by studying it up close? Could we learn more about exoplanets, the planets that orbit around stars other than our own? Could we learn more about the past, present, and possible future of Earth?

mysterious planet
From NASA Goddard, explore this Mysterious Planet with the brief video introduction above. Spoiler ahead:

Our galaxy contains billions of other planets, but we know very little about them. If we had the chance to study one of these exoplanets in greater detail, and could find one with similar characteristics as Earth, scientists could learn a great deal more about planetary evolution and habitability. Surprisingly, there is a nearby planet we could study right now in greater depth that would not only teach us about our planet, but also about many exoplanets. This planet is our neighbor Venus, and this video unveils details on this mysterious nearby world, and serves as a call to action to explore its many features. Venus-like exoplanets may represent one of the most common and observable types of worlds, and the history of Venus may be the key to understanding the evolution of habitability as a planetary process.

Related reading astrogeology or planetary geology, “a planetary science discipline concerned with the geology of the celestial bodies such as the planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, and meteorites.”

Next, watch How NASA’s TESS Spacecraft Will Hunt Exoplanets, see what it would look like if the Moon were replaced with some of our planet, The Kepler Mission and How We Find Exoplanets, and ‘Electric Wind’ Can Strip Earth-like Planets of Oceans, Atmospheres.

Rion Nakaya