We Are Gems, by Ko Ki | Dedicated Review

Book Review of We Are Gems
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The Children’s Book Review

We Are Gems: Book Cover

Written by Ko Kim

Illustrated by Christine Yoon and Andrew Hem

Ages 8-12 | 32 Pages

Publisher: Independently Published | ISBN-13: 9798802251997

What to Expect: Asian-American Culture, Inclusivity, Systemic Racism, Solidarity

As a country, we are learning that Asian Americans are increasingly being confronted with shocking acts of racism while having to endure microaggressions every day. However, through solidarity with other marginalized communities, it is possible to resist racism and hatred and respond with strength, compassion, and wisdom. To comments and questions that imply inferiority, attempt to induce body shame, patronize, or isolate Asian Americans, We Are Gems offers responses that celebrate and acknowledge solidarity, universal love, and human rights.

The omniscient narrator of We Are Gems takes the role of a teacher that guides readers to learn how to deal with microaggressions positively. Each microaggression is presented as a question, to which the reader is taught a firm and affirmative response. Both the narrative and the illustrations – each of which shines with color and movement – celebrate solidarity between marginalized people of different races and cultures, offering inclusivity and diversity as the best antidote to systemic racism.

Overall, We Are Gems is a beautiful, powerful book that celebrates the voices and rights of not just Asian Americans, but all marginalized races in our society.

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Ko Kim: Author Headshot

About the Author

A former classroom teacher and reading coach, Ko Kim cherishes that moment when a book “clicks” for a young reader.

Christine Yoon: Self Portrait

About the Illustrator

As both an artist and a physician, Christine Yoon creates illustrations and paintings to heal herself and others.

Andrew Hem: Illustrator Headshot

About the Illustrator

Andrew Hem first developed his artistry in Los Angeles through street art. His collections are now enjoyed around the globe.

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June 9, 2022 at 06:14AM Bianca Schulze