10 Trending Kids’ Book and Literacy Articles
Book reviews and book lists for all ages, literacy tips, and book giveaways! Here are the top ten list of kids’ books and literacy articles that have been the most read on The Children’s Book Review over the past month.
Don’t Call Me Fuzzybutt! is a wonderfully enjoyable, fun, and funny picture book that readers will come back to again and again. The giveaway ends July 23, 2021, at 11:59 P.M. MT.
A Christmas Love Story: Nicholas Nutcracker & Brittany Ballerina shines with Christmas spirit and the magic of love that will last all year long. The giveaway ends July 31, 2021, at 11:59 P.M. MT.
Bizzy Bzzz the Bee and Grandpa’s Tea is reading made fun. Told through the eyes of a child, this is an entertaining story about a boy who gets a good laugh watching Grandpa’s encounter with a bee every morning while trying to enjoy his cup of tea.
Our middle grade book reviews and book lists cover everything from the simply fun to stories that begin to raise difficult questions. You’ll find fantasy novels, mystery books, historical fiction, graphic novels (books that are formatted in comic book style), and much, much more.
I write because…
Olivia Weisser: I like to tell stories and share ideas.
Christopher Willard: I love words. I love ideas. I love the magic that an idea in my mind can create a story in your mind.
Join us on this virtual book tour for Kid Lit: An Introduction to Literary Criticism, written by teacher, writer and editor Tom Durwood!
Ting Ting, the Girl Who Saved China provides insight into China’s biggest holiday, gives a sense of its culture, and shows that girls are just as strong and brave as boys.
The My FIRST BOOK ABOUT series is co-authored by accomplished science and nature illustrator Patricia J. Wynne and research scientist Donald M. Silver. The books are designed for children of all ages to get them interested in the wonders of science; to introduce them to facts, concepts, and ideas that they will encounter over the course of their lives; to engage their natural curiosity about the world around them and how their bodies work.
Which five words best describe Tabitha and Fritz Trade Places?
Katie Frawley: Funny, adventuresome, bright, surprising, and sweet!
Join this celestial romp with five little angels, who hop on a cloud to take a peek at the world below, and see all sorts of loving acts of kindness, which sends them into a frenzy of delight.
For more children’s book trends, you can follow along with all of our articles tagged with Book Trends and be sure to check out our Book Giveaways category.
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July 21, 2021 at 09:02PM Bianca Schulze