Bella Santini in the Troll War | Dedicated Review

Book Review of Bella Santini in the Troll War
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The Children’s Book Review

Bella Santini in the Troll War: Book Cover

Bella Santini in the Troll War

Written by Angela Legh

Illustrated by Whitnee Nixon

Ages 8-12 | 204 Pages

Publisher: Waterside Productions | ISBN-13: 9781956503203

What to Expect: Friendship, problem-solving, wellness, emotional intelligence, fantasy, adventure

If Bella thought her troubles might be coming to an end when she gained initiation to Yelimoon fairy school, she was wrong. Having failed to prevent Bella from being accepted into the school, Novaq remains determined to have her thrown out, enlisting the help of Ginekei to kidnap her. However, Ginekei isn’t just a threat to Bella—she’s an enemy of the entire Fae civilization, and Bella finds herself in the middle of a war between light and dark, Fae and Trolls. And, as if that wasn’t enough, Bella is getting closer to finding out who she really is. Will she survive this new series of trials?

The second book in the Bella Santini Chronicles, Bella Santini in the Troll War continues the series’ emphasis on emotional intelligence and wellness. Subtly interwoven with the fast-paced adventure are lessons about self-mastery, love, and problem-solving that are sure to be valuable to readers of every age. Bella herself is a relatable, likeable character, and the story is brought to life through digital artwork that is reminiscent of manga illustration. Supplementing the story are valuable resources to support the book’s emphasis on wellness, including exercises, discussion topics, and book club questions.

Bella Santini in the Troll War is a fun mix of adventure and education, and readers who enjoy fantasy adventures are sure to relish it.

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Angela Legh: Author Headshot

About the Author

Angela Legh was born in San Francisco, California, and spent her early childhood with her family in the Haight Ashbury district. Sadly, catastrophe struck when their house burned down, Angela was six years old. The family moved a lot over the next few years and her parents ultimately divorced. She then settled with her mother and sisters in Petaluma.

At the age of 20, Angela moved to Santa Rosa, California, and eventually became a wife and mother. In 2017, tragedy struck again as the Tubbs Fire destroyed Angela’s family home, along with 5000 other dwellings in the community. The wildfire became the catalyst for significant changes, personal development, and growth for Angela.

Today, Angela is now an author and development coach. She lives in Taos in the US. She loves the energetic pull of Taos Mountain and is excited to find all the magic of the area.

Angela is best known for her joyous approach to life. Her online course, entitled Live! Love! Laugh! connects adults with their curiosity, wonder, and playfulness.

Angela’s children’s fairy tale series, The Bella Santini Chronicles, published through Waterside Productions, is highly acclaimed for helping pre-teens learn how to manage their emotions.

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March 8, 2022 at 04:41AM Dr. Jen Harrison