Crushes of the Week: March 20-26, 2022

This week’s crushes:
  1. My Dad, My Rock by Victor Dias de Oliveira Santos and Anna Forlati (Linguacious, March 2022)
  2. Imagine!: Rhymes of Hope to Shout Together by Bruno Tognolini and Giulia Orecchia and translated by Denise Muir (Red Comet Press, March 2022)
  3. The Hiking Viking by Laura Gehl and Timothy Banks (Capstone Editions, February 2022)
  4. Sand Between My Toes by Caroline Cross and Jenny Duke (Child’s Play International, August 2021)
  5. The Happiest Kid by Sarah Bagley Steele, Elsa Pui Si Lo, and Clarice Yunyi Cai (Yeehoo Press, March 2022)
  6. Nina: A Story of Nina Simone by Traci N. Todd and Christian Robinson (G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers, September 2021)

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March 26, 2022 at 10:35AM (Mel Schuit)