Today we welcome, Sneha Sabu along to share some facts about her book Stay Safe with Ruby and Reuben and her journey.
1. When did you start writing for children?
I was 18 when I first started writing for a children’s magazine. As a sub-editor, I wrote more than 25 short stories for children. I read several books on child psychology at the time to understand how children thought and understood concepts.
2. What kind of books do you read?
I love reading comics, crime and thrillers.
3. What would you be doing if you were not a writer?
I am a strategist by profession. I work full time and write in my free time.
4. What else do you do in your free time?
I love adventure sports and travelling. It helps me rejuvenate.
5. What inspired you to write this book?
According to UNICEF, millions of children face child sexual abuse every year. My work for an NGO that focused on children changed my understanding and perspective of children and their needs. I felt I must do my part and write a book for children.
6. Tell us more about your book?
Stay Safe with Ruby and Reuben is an interactive child safety book written to create awareness among children on good and bad touches, how to be safe in school, how to be safe while going and coming back from school, safe sleepovers and secret codes. This book covers the above issues in an easy to read format for children. Profit from sales will be used to fund not for profit organisations working to protect children from child sexual abuse and print additional copies for children who cannot afford to buy the book.
7. How can we reach you?
May 29, 2022 at 12:33AM DimbutNice