Marty and Lenny, by Tania Woznicki | Book Review

Book Review of Marty and Lenny
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The Children’s Book Review

Marty and Lenny: Book Cover

Marty and Lenny

Written and Illustrated by Tania Woznicki

Ages 4-6 | 24 Pages

Publisher: Tellwell Talent | ISBN-13: 9780228870722

What to Expect: Kindness, manners, empathy, friendship

Everyone likes Marty the monkey—he is sweet, thoughtful, friendly, and helpful, with beautiful manners and a very kind heart. Unfortunately, not everyone likes Lenny the lion. Lenny is anything but sweet, friendly, and kind; he disrupts school lessons, bullies the other children, whines, yells all the time, and likes to belch and fart at other people. Is there any hope for Lenny? Marty thinks there might be, and he sets about changing Lenny’s behavior for the better—by being his friend! Soon, with Marty there to help and guide him, Lenny learns how to be both happier and kinder.

Everyone knows someone like Lenny—but it’s not always easy to see past annoyance and disgust to the person underneath the bad behavior. Using relatable animal characters, bright and colorful digital illustrations, and fun rhyming text, Marty and Lenny doesn’t just tell readers about kindness—it models what kindness can look like when confronted with someone who does not seem to deserve it. The story encourages readers to think about how others are feeling. Readers will learn valuable tools from Marty, from deep breathing to calm down and listening with empathy to others.

Overall, Marty and Lenny is a good story and a valuable tool for teaching young people about empathy and kindness.

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About the Author

Tania Woznicki is a children’s picture book author who has a passion for bringing stories to life. As a mum and experienced primary school teacher with a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Psychology from the University of Wollongong, she has insights into child development, what children experience, and how they interact.  

When not writing, teaching, or mentoring, she loves spending quality time with family and friends, being creative, going for scenic walks, listening to music, or enjoying a great book, tv show, or movie. 

Tania is the author of Marty and Lenny and currently lives in New South Wales, Australia with her husband, daughter, and dog, Coco.

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June 23, 2022 at 04:13AM Dr. Jen Harrison