Story of Flowers, a breathtaking botanical animation

Story of Flowers, a breathtaking botanical animation

The Kid Should See This

Growing, blooming, rooting. Soil aeration, pollination. Enduring wind, rain, and pollution, dispersing seeds, and growing anew. Directed by Tokyo-based botanical artist Azuma Makoto, Story of Flowers showcases the life cycle of flowers as a wordless explainer. The breathtaking floral animation was illustrated by Katie Scott of the Welcome to the Museum books, with animation by James Paulley.

poppies with the city

Many different flowers are growing beautifully and strongly in this world. Taking their roots in the earth, sprouting, blooming, pollination by birds and insects, living on in spite of rain, wind and storms.

They pass on the baton of life, rebirth and decay.

Everything is so in a continuous, endless cycle… Katie’s delicate and lively illustration spreads to fill the screen and everybody, both kids and adults, can enjoy this 4-minute animation.

stem core view
pollination in a field
We love learning about seed dispersal. Watch those videos and more botanical time lapse videos on TKSST:
• Umwelt – Time lapse flowers mix with real time insects
Echinopsis Cacti – Brilliant blooming cactus flowers in time lapse
Seeds, plants, & flowers twist, wiggle, & extend: Micro time lapse
• Seed germination to growth time lapses by Neil Bromhall

Rion Nakaya