The Wright Engineers: Inventing the Airplane | Dedicated Review

Book Review of The Wright Engineers: Inventing the Airplane
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The Children’s Book Review

The Wright Engineers: Inventing Airplanes: Book Cover

The Wright Engineers: Inventing the Airplane

Written by Brian Page

Ages 12+ | 136 Pages

Publisher: Peanut Butter Publishing | ISBN-13: 978-1598493184

What to Expect: History, photographs, science, and aeronautical engineering concepts

Sometimes, when reading historical non-fiction, the reader already knows how the story will end. Will the Wright Brothers be able to create and fly an “airplane”? Most people know that the answer is yes, but the story of how they got to that point of discovery is often unknown. Readers that follow along with Brian Page’s The Wright Engineers: Inventing the Airplane will learn how they made a machine fly.

It is important to note that this non-fiction work is not a biography of Wilber and Orville Wright; this book focuses on how the brothers overcame obstacles, invented new technologies, and discovered the basic science of flight. Page does a fantastic job of breaking down the Wrights’ use of Science and Engineering.

“Science is a way to discover and accumulate knowledge… it’s learning how things work. Engineering is the application of knowledge to make things… The Wright Brothers had to do both.”

Inside this book, the reader will find chapters presented in chronological order showing the progression of the brothers’ discoveries and the science that goes along with the discovery. One of the highlights of this book is how the author has broken down the scientific formulas into vocabulary and explanations accessible to a middle-grade reader.

In addition to the clear and concise writing Page uses, many photographs and illustrations are provided to help the reader better understand how the science works. One interesting thing to note is that the photographs used in The Wright Engineers: Inventing the Airplane originals were taken with a primitive camera which did not allow for much definition. To better display the concepts discussed, Page has kindly colored in the photos to better reveal the details.

The Wright Engineers: Inventing the Airplane is an insightful and educational book written to appeal to any middle-grade (or above) reader who wishes to learn more about aviation, the science and beginning of aerospace engineering, or is just a history buff!

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Brian Page: Author Headshot

About the Author

Brian Page had the great good fortune to grow up on an Air Force base near Satellite Beach, Florida, in the early years of the space race, surrounded by all sorts of fascinating aircraft and missiles. His boyhood heroes were the original seven astronauts who parked their T-38 Talon jets at the hanger where his dad worked. Later Brian earned a master’s degree in the history of science from Virginia Tech and became a light sport pilot. He now writes about science and technology from his home in Atlanta, Georgia.

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July 28, 2022 at 07:12AM TCBR Contributor