Peggy Orenstein on Boys and Sex… and hookups and love and masculinity and consent and yes, porn | Spawned 187

Peggy Orenstein on Boys and Sex… and hookups and love and masculinity and consent and yes, porn | Spawned 187

Cool Mom Picks

When our sound engineer writes to us and says that this podcast interview with Peggy Orenstein is “easily top 5…maybe top 3” of all our interviews, well that’s saying something. And we agree.

Whether you are raising sons or raising daughters, we think you’ll be challenged, enlightened, horrified, and hopeful with  this candid talk with the author of the brand new New York Times bestseller and universally lauded book, Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent and Navigating the New Masculinity

Most of all, you’ll feel smarter. And better equipped to help raise the next generation of sexually healthy, enlightened men

Yes, it has an “Explicit” rating. Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t listen with your older kids in the room. Or, listen on your own then take away her unbelievable conclusions garnered from over 100 candid interviews with college-age young men about everything around sex.

We mean, everything.

Listen to the episode right now, and be sure you’re a Spawned Podcast subscriber so you never miss an episode. Be sure to download or save our episodes too; that actually helps more listeners find us.

And be sure to find more about Peggy on her website,, and pick up her book at our affiliate Amazon, Indiebound, or your local indie bookstore.


Topics Covered on Our Show 

– Why kids aren’t getting healthy info about sexuality: the role of peer pressure, culture, music, and more.

– How elitism plays into problematic behavior among young men

– The difference between white masculinity, and Black or Asian masculinity among young men.

– Boys’ thoughts about rape and consent

– The impact of porn — beyond what you may have realized

– What parents don’t know about boys and Tinder

– Why traditional views on masculinity and dominance are proven to lead to huge problems

– What parents need to know about LGBTQ kids and gender identity

– The three important conversations that Kobe Bryant’s death can help us initiate

– The need for a more expansive view of what “masculinity” means


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Cool Picks of the Week 

Peggy: Sex Education on Netflix (in keeping with the theme of the show) is honest, bawdy, hilarious, and can open up some great conversations between parents and kids.

Kristen: Just…click and you’ll see.

Liz: The new Vitiligo Barbie doll is making more people feel seen and the reviews on the site are reminding us that representation matters.

Cool Mom Staff